Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pa rum pa pum pum

These guys sat on top of my mom's gift this year. Why? Well, she's never been a fan of The Little Drummer Boy song. And as you can see, the fellow on the right isn't either.

I found them at an estate sale recently and knew just where they needed to go. I'm so glad I have a mom who completely got and appreciated such a gift topper. We have always enjoyed handmade vintage Christmas people like these guys.

Oh, and what was inside the gift? This lovely creature from Bossysfeltworks. Isn't he sweet?


LeGrandEscargot said...

I'm "Mom" - the one who received the pa rum pa pum pum fellow and his annoyed musician friend. I love them! And I love the Bossysfeltworks pin cushion - the second one in my "collection."
Aren't these fun little beings?
Oh no. Now I'll have that song in my head the rest of the day. Again.
xoxo, Mom

Etsy Vintage Community said...

All three are super cute; lucky mom!

PCovi said...

I just love your shop and your taste for good old things!!! So...why don't you blog more???
I'm putting you in my sidebar...I'll be waiting!